Peakecast: Thomas Peake Memorial Podcast An audio tribute to a well loved man

October 7, 2009

Send us your recordings

Filed under: News — chrisc @ 3:16 pm

OK, we’ve got ourselves all set up now.

Please help us share Thomas’ bright-eyed wonder at the world of music by sending us your recordings of his shows, his mixtapes, whatever you’ve got!

In the menu bar above, you’ll see three important links:

the Thomas shows: an inventory of the shows that we know Thomas did; look at the list and maybe it’ll jog your memory about a recording you’ve got!

how to submit: how to get your recordings to us, so we can digitize and send back out to the world via this podcast

how to listen: how to listen to this podcast; this is especially important info if you’re new to this whole podcast thing and just want simple instructions on how to hear a show.  Subscribe to us, via email or RSS, so that you’ll know when we have new shows ready to hear.  Just click on “how to listen” above for instructions.

Take a look, start digging, and send us your stuff!

And stay tuned for the first episode coming tomorrow!

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