Peakecast: Thomas Peake Memorial Podcast An audio tribute to a well loved man

December 11, 2014

Peakecast Episode Ten

Filed under: Shows — dave @ 10:51 pm
Photo by Sam Vignjević
Photo by Sam Vignjević

In mid 1996, Thomas conducted telephone interviews with the members of The Rock*A*Teens, a band that had just electrified the Atlanta music scene with their debut album. This was for an article to be run in Chemical Imbalance, an indie/underground zine of the time published by Mike McGonigal in Tennessee.

In the order they appear on the tapes, you will hear Thomas interviewing band members Chris Lopez, Justin Hughes, Chris Verene and Kelly Hogan. Besides the usual band topics, the conversation careens between guitar tech, Vietnamese pop music, “magic bass”, and some reactionary nonsense that some 96 Rock DJs had apparently recently hurled towards the band and Cabbagetown. Be forewarned that there are some casual obscenities used.

You might also be interested in a feature article that Creative Loafing did this past summer, on the occasion of the first reunion shows, entitled “The Rock*A*Teens: An Oral History”. The Rock*A*Teens are playing another show on Saturday, December 13th at 529 in East Atlanta.


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